2017-10-27 00:00:00 中国华电集团公司电子商务平台
International Tender Notice on the Thick Coal Seam Coal Mining Machine of Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd. Xiaojihan Coalmine 受招标人(陕西华电榆横煤电有限责任公司)的委托,华电招标有限公司就小纪汗煤矿进口厚煤层采煤机设备发布招标公告: Entrusted by the tenderee (Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd.), CHD Tendering Co., Ltd. releases the International Tender Notice on the Thick Coal Seam Coal Mining Machine of Xiaojihan Coal Mine. 一、招标项目名称及编号 I. Tendering Project’s Name and Number 1.1 项目名称:陕西华电榆横煤电有限责任公司小纪汗煤矿进口采煤机设备
1.1. Project name: Imported Thick Coal Seam Coal Mining Machine of Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd. Xiaojihan Coalmine 1.2 招标编号: 1.2. Tendering number: 1.3 招标方式:国际招标 1.3. Tendering means: international tendering 二、招标项目简要说明 II. Brief Introduction on Tendering Project 2.1 建设地点:陕西华电榆横煤电有限责任公司小纪汗煤矿。 2.1. Construction site: Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd. Xiaojihan Coalmine 2.2 标段划分:一个标段。 2.2. Bidding section: one. 2.3 交货期:FOB 2018年08月31日前。 2.3. Delivery period: FOB, prior to Aug. 31, 2018 2.4 招标范围:陕西华电榆横煤电有限责任公司小纪汗煤矿进口采煤机设备。 2.4. Tendering scope: Imported Thick Coal Seam Coal Mining Machine of Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd. Xiaojihan Coalmine 2.5 建设规模:1000万吨/年。 2.5. Construction scale: 10Mt/a. 2.6 资金来源:自筹资金,由项目资本金和银行贷款两部分构成 2.6. Capital sources: Self-financing, consisting of project capital and bank loan. 三、招标内容: III. Tendering Content
四、投标人资格要求 IV. Qualification Requirements for Tenderer 投标人在专业技术、人员组织、业绩经验、资金等方面应具有圆满履行合同的能力,投标人具体应符合下列条件: The tenderers shall have abilities to successfully perform the contract in terms of the professional and technical experience, personnel organization, performance experience, funding and so on. The Tenderers shall meet the following conditions: 4.1 必须具有独立法人资格;具有独立签订合同的权力。 4.1 Enterprises (companies) with independent legal entity status that have the right to sign the contract independently. 4.2 必须是有能力履行招标内容要求和提供招标货物及服务的专业制造商,本次招标不接受国内设备代理商投标; 4.2 The tenderers must be professional manufacturers with abilities of performing the bid requests and supplying the tendering goods and services. This tender does not accept the bid from domestic equipment dealers. 4.3 投标人应提供有效的质量管理体系认证; 4.3 The tenderers shall provide valid certificates of quality management system certification; 4.4 业绩要求:投标人须提供近5年(2012年1月起)至少有三套投标产品在生产原煤年产500万吨及以上现代化矿井成功运行的合同,并提供相应业绩合同复印件(原件备查)。 4.4 Performance requirements: The tenderers shall provide at least three contracts of tendering products that has run successfully in modernized raw coal mine with annual production capacity of 5 million tons in recent five years (since January 2012). And provide the appropriate copies of the performance contract (with the original for future reference ) . 4.5 本次招标不接受任何形式的联合体投标。 4.5 Thistender will not accept any form of consortium bid. 4.6 与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或者个人,不得参加投标。单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标段投标或未划分标段的同一招标项目投标。 4.6 No legal persons, other organizations or individuals having a stake in the tenderee that may affect the fairness of the tendering process may participate in the bidding. Organizations held, controlled or managed by the same person or persons may not bid for the same bid package or, where no bid package is defined, the same tender. 4.7在最近三年内没有骗取中标、严重违约,所提供设备未发生重大及以上质量、安全责任事故。 4.7 The tenderers shall be free of any award of contract by defrauding or major breach of the contract, as well as any major or above quality or safety accidents on the equipment provided in recent three years. 在投标截止日期前,投标人必须在中国国际招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com)有效注册而且通过年审,取得国际竞争性招标项目的投标资格,否则其投标资格将被取消。 Prior to the bidding deadline, the tenderers shall register at http://www.chinabidding.com and pass the annual audit, so as to obtain the bidding qualification for international competitive tendering projects, or the tenderer’s bidding qualification will be cancelled. 本次招标采取资格后审的方式,在开标前不对报名单位进行资格审查。有意向的单位看到本公告后可直接按照要求购买招标文件、制作投标文件,并参加开标。开标后,评标委员会首先对投标人进行资格审查(投标文件中应包含资格审查资料),符合资格条件要求的投标人才能进入下一步详评。 This tender will adopt the “postpositive audit to qualification” mode, in which the tenderer’s qualification will not be audited before the bid opening. After seeing this notice, those intentional companies may observe requirements to directly purchase tendering documents, formulate bidding documents, and partake in the bid opening. In the wake of the bid opening, the bid evaluation committee will first audit the tenderer’s qualification (there shall be qualification audit materials in the bidding documents), and those tenderers that meet the qualification requirements may partake in the subsequent detailed evaluation. 五、招标公告发布媒体与时间 V. Tender Notice Release Media & Date 1.媒体:中国国际招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com);中国华电集团公司电子商务平台(原中国华电集团公司招标与采购网www.chdtp.com)。其他网站转载只供参考,招标人不承担责任。 1. Media: http://www.chinabidding.com; CHD Electronic Commerce Platform (original CHD tendering and purchasing website www.chdtp.com). The contents forwarded by other websites are only for reference, and the tenderee will assume no responsibility for that. 2.时间:2017年10月27日至2017年11月03日 2. Date: From Oct. 27, 2017 to Nov. 03, 2017 3.开标及投标截止时间:2017年11月22日,09:00 3. Bid opening and bid deadline: 09:00, Nov. 22, 2017 4.递交投标文件及开标地点:投标文件现场递交及开标地点:北京市西城区宣武门内大街4号华滨国际大酒店B570房间 4. Bidding documents delivery and bid opening location: Room B570, Hua Bin International Hotel, No. 4 Xuanwumen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 六、招标文件的获取: VI. Acquisition of Tendering Documents: 在投标截止日期前,投标人必须在中国国际招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com)有效注册而且通过年审,取得国际竞争性招标项目的投标资格,否则其投标资格将被取消。 Prior to the bidding deadline, the tenderer shall register at http://www.chinabidding.com and pass the annual audit, so as to obtain the bidding qualification for international competitive tendering projects, or the tenderer’s bidding qualification will be cancelled. 本次招标采取资格后审的方式,在开标前不对报名单位进行资格审查。有意向的单位看到本公告后可直接按照要求购买招标文件、制作投标文件,并参加开标。开标后,评标委员会首先对投标人进行资格审查(投标文件中应包含资格审查资料),符合资格条件要求的投标人才能进入下一步详评。 This tender will adopt the “postpositive audit to qualification” mode, in which the tenderer qualification will not be audited before the bid opening. After seeing this notice, those intentional companies may observe requirements to directly purchase tendering documents, formulate bidding documents, and partake in the bid opening. In the wake of the bid opening, the bid evaluation committee will first audit the tenderer’s qualification (there shall be qualification audit materials in the bidding documents), and those tenderers that meet the qualification requirements may partake in the subsequent detailed evaluation. 1、投标报名时间:2017年10月27日-2017年11月03日17:00 Bid registration time: Oct. 27, 2017 to Nov. 03, 2017 2、招标文件出售方式: Sales mode of tendering documents: 第一步:会员注册。请非会员投标人访问中国华电集团公司电子商务平台(http://www.chdtp.com),在客服人员指导下完成企业信息提交及会员注册。客服电话:010-62228787-666,非工作日客服电话:18610999957。 Step 1: Member registration. As for non-member tenderers, please visit CHD Electronic Commerce Platform (http://www.chdtp.com), and complete submission of corporate information and member registration guided by customer service staff with telephone number of 010-62228787-666 during weekday and 18610999957 during non-work days. 第二步:网上报名。会员登录中国华电集团公司电子商务平台(www.chdtp.com )业务系统,点击菜单电子招投标-招标公告,选择招标项目标段进行报名,必须正确填写联系人、电话等信息。 Step 2: Online application. Please log in CHD Electronic Commerce Platform (www.chdtp.com), click electronic tender notice, select required bid section, complete and submit application, with contact information including contact person and telephone complete and correct. 第三步:标书购买及下载。登录电子招投标业务系统,选择招标项目标段,点击标书购买(标书费人民币3500.00元),必须在线支付完成,支付后将开通中国国际招标网站上文件的下载权限,投标人自行下载标书,标书费用不退还。请投标人提前开通网上银行支付功能,购买招标文件仅接受网银在线支付(CFCA)付款方式。 Step 3: Purchase and download tendering documents. Log in electronic tender business system, select bid section, and purchase tendering documents valued at RMB 3,000.00 during which online payment only through CFCA is required to access to download permission for documents on http://www.chinabidding.com. After downloading documents, cost of tendering documents would not be refunded. Please make sure that e-bank payment is opened before making payment. 咨询电话010-62228787-666)。 Contact information: 010-62228787-666 七、投标文件的提交 VII. Submission of the Bidding Documents 1、投标截止时间(即开标时间):2017年11月22日,上午9:00 1. Deadline for submitting bidding documents (time for bid opening): 9:00am, October 22, 2017 2、递交投标文件地点(即开标地点):北京市西城区宣武门内大街4号华滨国际大酒店B570房间 2. Address for delivering bidding documents (location for bid opening): Room B570, Hua Bin International Hotel, No.4 Xuanwumen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 3、逾期送达或未送达指定地点的投标文件将不予受理。 3. Those bidding documents, which are delivered beyond the deadline or fail to be delivered to the designated place, will be rejected. 八、联系方式: 8. Contact Information: 1. 招标人(项目法人):陕西华电榆横煤电有限责任公司 1. Tenderee (Project legal person): Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd. 联 系 人:郑永锋 Contact Person: Zheng Yongfeng 联系电话: 0912-2280362 Tel. No.: 0912-2280362 传 真: 0912-2280999 Fax: 0912-2280999 电子邮箱:chd_zhengyongfeng@126.com Email: chd_zhengyongfeng@126.com 二级主管机构联系人:那仁高娃(北京华电煤业物资有限公司) Contact Person of Secondary Management: Naren Gaowa (Beijing Huadian Coal Industry Materials Co. Ltd.) 电 话:010-51969918 Tel: 010-51969918 E-mail:narengaowa@chdt.com.cn E-mail: narengaowa@chdt.com.cn 3、招标代理机构:华电招标有限公司 3. Tender Agent: CHD Tendering Co., Ltd. 地 址:北京市西城区宣武门内大街2号华电大厦华滨大酒店B576房间 Address: Room 576, Hua Bin International Hotel Beijing, China Huadian Corporation Building, No. 2 of Xuanwumen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 邮政编码: 100031 Postcode: 100031 联 系 人:王新格、郭锦明 Contact Person: Wang Xin’ge, Guo Jinming 电话:010-83568737;010-83568736(如电话繁忙请发电子邮件联系) Tel: 010-83568737; 010-83568736 (If the line is busy, please contact by e-mail) 传真:010-83565898 Fax: 010-83565898 E-mail:wangxinge@chdt.com.cn、guojinming@chdt.com.cn E-mail: wangxinge@chdt.com.cn, guojinming@chdt.com.cn 如对“中国华电集团公司电子商务平台(原中国华电集团公司招标与采购网)”的注册与下载有疑问请致电中国华电集团公司电子商务平台(原中国华电集团公司招标与采购网)客服中心,电话:010-62228787-666 In case of any doubt about the registration and downloading of CHD Electronic Commerce Platform (original CHD tendering and purchasing website), please contact the customer service center of CHD Electronic Commerce Platform (original CHD tendering and purchasing website) via telephone number: 010-62228787-666.
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