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   “国际能源变革论坛”苏州宣言   2015年11月7日于中国江苏省苏州市  2015年11月5-7日,中国国家能源局、江苏省人民政府和国际可再生能源署在江苏省苏州市,联合主办了“国际能源变革论坛”,并取得了如下共识。 加快推进全球能源转型、促进绿色低碳发展、应对气候变化,是全人类共同的使命;是落实联合国2015年后可持续发展议程的重要行动,是推动世界各国经济社会可持续发展的紧迫任务

国际     2015-11-07 21:12:00         中国能源报

   “国际能源变革论坛”苏州宣言   2015年11月7日于中国江苏省苏州市  2015年11月5-7日,中国国家能源局、江苏省人民政府和国际可再生能源署在江苏省苏州市,联合主办了“国际能源变革论坛”,并取得了如下共识。 加快推进全球能源转型、促进绿色低碳发展、应对气候变化,是全人类共同的使命;是落实联合国2015年后可持续发展议程的重要行动,是推动世界各国经济社会可持续发展的紧迫任务




  1. 加快推进全球能源转型、促进绿色低碳发展、应对气候变化,是全人类共同的使命;是落实联合国2015年后可持续发展议程的重要行动,是推动世界各国经济社会可持续发展的紧迫任务。
  2. 各国政府应制定明确的能源转型战略目标,推动能源转型发展,积极探索能源转型发展路径、政策措施、市场机制和商业模式。
  3. 中国政府近年来推动能源体系由化石能源向非化石能源转变所付出了巨大的努力,在风电、光伏发电和太阳能热利用等方面取得举世瞩目的成绩,在建立稳定的政策环境、吸引私人部门投资、培育产业体系建设中积累了丰富经验。
  4. 能源转型需要大力控制并削减化石能源消费,特别是煤炭消费。构建以可再生能源为主的能源体系是本世纪摆脱化石能源、实现能源变革的必由之路。
  5. 电力系统转型是能源转型的重要领域,应积极推进以可再生能源发电替代化石能源发电、以电力消费替代终端化石能源消费,大幅提高可再生能源利用比例,加快电力系统的智能化管理水平。
  6. 能源转型需要全社会参与,充分发挥企业的主体地位,在需求侧着力提升能源效率和电气化水平,加快推广电动汽车、可再生能源供热技术和生物燃料技术,建设智能电网系统和智慧能源体系。
  7. 能源变革需要加强国际合作。能源变革之先行者,应为其它国家提供技术支持和经验分享,支持能力建设,以降低能源转型成本。
  8. 各方可利用各种合作平台,如二十国集团,推进各经济体间的交流与协作。国际可再生能源署等国际组织应依托其优势和资源,促进能源转型的国际合作。


  1. 分享本次论坛及相关平台知识和资源,交流和借鉴领先国家能源转型发展经验,支持各国立足各自国情制定以可再生能源为主体的能源变革战略,并将能源转型战略变成能源转型发展的具体行动。
  2. 发挥政府在能源变革中的引领作用,推进能源技术、商业及投融资模式的创新。
  3. 加快推动各国电力转型发展,促进可再生能源发电、微电网、分布式能源、储能、电动汽车,及电网控制等技术变革,发挥需求侧管理和需求响应作用,不断提高可再生电力在电力系统中的比例。
  4. 探索能源互联网发展对能源变革的作用,推进两者之间的协同发展,对能源大数据的管理与利用进行前瞻性研究。
  5. 开展能源变革综合示范区建设和交流,开展大规模新能源基地、高比例可再生能源示范区、绿色能源建筑和新能源城镇、智慧能源系统建设的试点示范工作。
  6. 加强与会各方的联系与互动,包括各国政府、国际组织、智库和企业等,加强在能源转型领域的政策、技术、标准规范等方面的交流和合作。


  Suzhou Declaration of the

  International Forum on Energy Transitions 

  7 November 2015; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

  The International Forum on Energy Transitions was co-hosted by the National Energy Administration, the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in Suzhou city of Jiangsu Province on 5-7 November 2015.

  The following consensuses have been achieved.

  1. Escalating the global energy transition process to advance green growth and low-carbon development, and address climate challenges is not only our global responsibility, but an important action towards realising the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda, and pursuing global sustainable economic and social development.
  2. Governments should set a clear strategic goal for energy transition, and guide active development of plausible technological pathways, policy options, innovative market mechanisms and business models. 
  3. The great efforts the Chinese government has made over the past years in advancing the transition from a fossil fuelbased to a non-fossil fuelbased energy system; China’s great achievements in development of wind, solar photovoltaics and solar thermal energy applications; and the experience that China has gained in maintaining a consistent policy environment, attracting private sector investments and establishing its renewable energy industry.
  4. Greater efforts at reducing fossil fuel consumption, in particular coal consumption, are needed in a transition to develop a future energy system powered mostly by renewable energy sources, thus to achieve the strategic objective set out in China’s energy revolution within this century.
  5. Successfully transforming the power sector is critical in realising the energy transition; and that therefore the process of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources in the power generation mix should be actively advanced, increasing the use of renewables-based electricity in end-use sectors and accelerating the development of smart power management systems.
  6. Participation by all in society - particularly by enterprises, which take prominence in the energy transition - is a necessary measure for improving energy efficiency in end-use sectors, enhancing electrification, accelerating the application of electric vehicles, heating from renewable energy sources, biofuel technologies, smart grids and intelligent energy management systems.
  7. It is necessary to enhance international cooperation for advancing the energy transition, through which frontrunner countries can provide technical assistance to, share experience with, and enhance capacity building programs for, countries at a later stage in the transition, thereby reducing transition costs.
  8. All countries and stakeholders can use various cooperation platforms towards the global energy transition, taking as an example the G20 energy cooperation platform to advance knowledge-sharing and cooperation among G20 countries; supported IRENA and other international organisations to facilitate knowledge-sharing and co-operation in energy transition, worldwide, drawing upon their advantages and accessible resources. 

  The Forum is calling all participating organisations for:  

  1. Share the knowledge and resources gained from this Forum and other platforms to support the development of energy transition strategies and pathways adapted to participants’ own national contexts and conditions, and to turn these strategies into actions.
  2. Promote the leadership role that governments should take in the energy transition to advance the innovation process in development of energy technologies, and creation of business and financing models. 
  3. Accelerate the power sector transformation to increasingly elevate the shares of renewables in power systems through advancing the following technologies: renewables-based generation technologies, micro-grids, distributed generation, energy storage, electric vehicles, and grid operations using demand-side management and response.
  4. Study the impact of internet technology developments on the energy transition, advance the evolution of both areas in tandem, and conduct research on the future of mega-data management and use. 
  5. Start sharing knowledge on how to establish districts within cities that can act as pilot urban centres powered by high-shares of renewable energy, develop bases for large-scale renewable power generation, advance creation of urban locales containing green buildings powered by renewables, and pilot smart energy system demonstration projects.
  6. Facilitate continued knowledge-sharing and cooperation amongst inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, bilateral and multilateral platforms, and strengthen cooperation in the areas of policy, technology and standards in the context of energy transition. 

  Lastly, to further advance the global energy transition process, it is proposed to establish a global coalition of partner countries undertaking energy transition, and set up an “IRENA-China Research and Co-operation Centre for Energy Transition”, which can support the activities of the proposed global coalition.

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